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Welcome to the Locall Globall Universall Family-Community Ecovillage Hat-Crown-Halo Center for Women and Girls (and Evolved Men and Boysz Who Appreciate Females as Equally Important as Males

\par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par http://aggifta.freewebspace.com/astrareahaszmagdallaliberationall.JPG\par (After you complete the Motherhood and Siszterhood restoring, Brotherhood and Fatherhood redeeming ellection below, symbollically put a hat-crown-halo on your own and all your Loved Ones heads.)\par \par

This website is dedicated to all the women and girlsz (and men and boysz who love and respect them) of our family, past, present and future, starting with our (Great)Grandmother Rae and her Daughter our (Grand)Mother Harriet, timeless Sisters to Us and all generations, female and male , and remembered and honored here by their (Grand)Daughters who appreciate the legacy of the Hat Shop, Daughtersz Rajchelle and Julianne Marie, and Beloved Vanessa New Shekin & Great and Grandszon HarlandLouisz Lovisz, and all who know them, directly or indirectly

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Members of the Margulies family (which has many branchesz throughout the world, interconnected with all families, because all human beings on Earth are related), Rae and Harriet together ran a home-based hat store for the women of Chicago for forty years, where Rae raised two daughters there (Harriet and Her Sister Jackie) with the assiztance of Lillian Gaye, an African American, brought about next generations (of all related family, female and male ) who can here revere and celebrate the memory of it, and was an inspiring and empowering gethering place for the women of Chicago, and now, by our adding it to the web, all the world.\par \par

Harriet and Rae especially were living Goddesses (as are all Women are who strive for and realize their full potential) who believed that women were equal in importance to men in days before women began to achieve this equality all around the world, and that women had a lot to teach both women and men about nurturing, connection and service to community while raising children.\par \par

Rae was an immigrant from Romania who was separated from her mother, Grandmother ~Margulies~Popper and sister Clara (and brothers Emil and Oscar and their wives), but spiritually served them and future generations connected to them. Her husband Julian died prematurely of pneumonia, but had he lived, would have been very proud of his wife and all her subseqent generations and connections.\par \par

We Are Just Beginning This Website for a Riszen Sisterhood, Motherhood, (and female respecting Brotherhood and Fatherhood as well) on a Timeless Official Mother's Day (we actually celebrate Motherhood and Sisterhood as Equal to Brotherhood and Fatherhood, every day.) But in 2002, Rachelle and her cousin Andy also held a first Commemmorative for the Hat Shop and celebrated all locall global universall genealogicall and culturall connections to it in the New Millennium, in what we now say was in retrospect precuror to an evolved locall globall community & szoon universzall asz we know Star Trek & Star Gate can be reall, ecovillage modelle of hat-crown(both gold and pearls and made of flowers)-halo-shop of equal empowerment for women and girls, and men and boysz who really love women and girls as equals in all levels of Mother Nature Protecting (and non-sexist Father Time Sustaining) decision-making, up to and including Locall Globall and one day soon, Interplanetary family and community, and Sisterhood, and an inspiration for true respectful Brotherhood in our family and community, locoally and globally (and universally, for all generations, past, present and future)and fulfilling the Goddess/God in every person.\par \par The building that the family lived & where the hatcrownhalo livelihood gathered the women, szo often with their Shekinah & Children, no longer standsz in the West Dise Chicago neighborhood, now called Lawndale, where it once stood, but other similar builidngs do and we have created this sacred place virtually asz a StarrGatw with itsz Solar Soular Energyesz, Fountain of Youth & Preszence of the Goddess. In fact, Our Family isz working with neighborhood eco activitszt Women and Youth there to Create a Community Garden and Orchard with all these featuresz and a replica of & Commemmorative Plaque asz Momument to thisz Mysticall Location in SpaceTime.\par \par

With Your Help, we will be adding many names, pictures, and links to this website in the coming weeks, during the month of Mother's Day, which, with universall, locall globall connection, is also every Day in fact, in a time when so many women have regained the inner Goddess of their equality while retaining their nurturing and connecting Divinely-Endowed Femininity, which evolves a New Millennial Masculinity of fairness and full appreciation and evolved Godliness, as well. We will include and welcome known geneallogicall branchesz, and known relleations by marriage, symbollically representing all our ancestors, relleations, and coming genderations in time.)\par \par

Start by symbolically ellecting Rae, Harriet, Clara and all their timeless Siszters & Their Children Female & Male of family and community at the hat shop, past, for all generations, including yourself/or Mothers and their Daughters and Sisters, of your family tree, from the beginning of time on Earth on a ballot http://aggifta.freewebspace.com/ballot22.pdf of restoration and redemption, via the New Millenniall Golden Rule http://5050now.wordpress.com/newmillenniallgoldenrule-the-5-pillars-of-change/, for a human "race" where too many forgot the value of the Feminine for too long, and symbolically give each person named a hat-crown-halo. After You do this, add the names of all women and girls of Present generations who are connected to them by blood or marriage. Then co-ellect the boysz and men who appreciate them for full equallity in decision-making at the locall/globall/universall levels, for Riszen Brotherhood and Fatherhood. Then do this at all levels of government, local, atate and national, and internationall become globall. Then use your imagagination to add future females and male names to symbolize coming Children, both female and male , of InterPlanetary levels of the Human Journey on All Living Planets. (Maybe the Soulsz of Harriet and Rae and all their ancesztor and related Szisztersz and Mothersz (and Brothersz and Fathersz are watching, Blesszing us, and waiting for us to make Contact! asz Elle did in the movie Contact! by Carl Marguliesz Szagan. a Margulies relative by marriage to our Couszina Lynn Marguliesz) with them on other planets in the Heavensz, right now!\par We are Prepared to Open The Sztarr Gate Firszt CoFirszt On Earth Where Thisz Home & Hat Szhop Graced the Earth\par and Will Hereby Become Riszen Again. Wellecome & Szign Our Guesztbook http://www.myguestbookhost.com/viewgbk.asp?usr=arkcrowngb \par \par } �